Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
Mrs Davies , Mrs Brandrick and Mrs Dolman
An incredible year
Raising money for Shelter
Sunday 15th July
What a week ! Our art show, CADMUS olympics, Aladdin production practise, musical concert and Sports day all in one week ...phew! We really are packing everything into the last weeks of school this year !
The outlook for the week ahead is just as busy for year five with the final dress production practise for our end of year show, the summer allotment preparations to take care of as well as finishing the delightful text Mr Stink and of course the finishing touches to our World Cup and E Safety projects . Lets hope we are able to have a few games of rounders and quick cricket this week too as well as some summer canoeing opportunities.
Homework has now ceased for the summer however for any pupils wishing to take part in a summer challenge , the Walsall Library Reading Challenge begins next week and it would be wonderful for the children to sign up . In addition to this , I will also be setting a local history project competition to complete over the summer for the children's hometown. With many of our class coming from many different areas including Pelsall, Aldridge, Beachdale as well as Burntwood, Chasetown and yes even Brownhills, it could be a really great opportunity to develop a wonderful local history library.
May I also ask that if you have any school reading books at home , that they can be returned for re-cataloguing ready for the autumn term. If anyone would like to borrow a few books over the summer holidays , please feel free to ask . We are more than happy for the books to not be sitting idly on the shelves over the summer , especially for those of us whose local libraries have unfortunately closed.
All that remains is to remind children and grown ups that school finishes on Tuesday 24th July( thats seven more school get ups , not that we're counting down!) and we look forward to seeing everyone in school until then .
Monday 9th July
welcome back to a new and exciting week. This week we see the return of our favourite sporting event of the year... no not the semi final against Croatia on Wednesday but the annual junior sports day ... hurray!
Our sports day is due to take place on Tuesday afternoon from 1:30 . Please can spectators be mindful that we have no shaded areas in the parent section so please cover up and bring a sunshade if you can . There will be a refreshment area for drinks and a BBQ hosted by Blakemores , the proceeds of which will be given to school fund. A big thank you to Blakemores for that , every little at the moment helps!
Can children also have sun cream , a hat ( yes Harry , that means you!) and plenty of liquid with them . Water will of course be available for them and children may be seated indoors between races if the weather persists .
Additionally , we are gearing up to our production of Aladdin in the forthcoming week , tickets are on sale in the office which incidentally leads me on nicely to the introduction of our budgeting and finance weeks here in year five. This will be our focus now until the end of the year and I hope that the children have been talking about bank accounts and savings with you over the weekend.
Thursday 5th July
The Children all had a wonderful time during their Shire Oak STEM day today , meeting snakes, tarantulas and hissing cockroaches as well as creating their own pan pipes! A thoroughly
y enjoyable day but perhaps a little too hot . Please make sure your child has plenty of water to drink tonight !
Also a massive congratulations to the children taking part in the CADMUS our time to shine concert tonight. You have worked so hard and I know are representing the very best of Millfield. As always, one very proud teacher !
With the next World Cup match looming upon us for Saturday , Friday morning is to be given over to FOOTBALL madness , researching the children’s World Cup team country and finding out as many facts as possible to present to the children in our class.
Tomorrow afternoon the children will be taking part in their class transition day with Mrs Buck .
Friday 28th June
Well another week has zoomed by in year five and what a hot week it has been . Massive thankyou to Mrs Owens for dashing down with Elliot's ice lolly on Wednesday! Year five were all treated to an ice lolly each to cope with the afternoons soaring temperatures under the guise of a Science investigation on the use of insulating materials ! We managed to learn that even in hot weather , some materials can still keep things cool under pressure!
We have also been enjoying using mixed media for our art work this half term and are looking forward to presenting our work at the art showcase next Tuesday afternoon before the junior Sports Day.
Please remember that the children only have until the 9th to submit their David Attenborough research.
The week ahead sees another busy week ahead.
Please remember on Tuesday that children will need a packed lunch to take with them to Shire Oak for the STEM day or for the CADMUS rehearsals . Tickets are on sale for this fantastic event and we look forward to working with Alumwell to produce a celebration show which has never been done before!
Friday 8th June
A fun filled first week .The bad news is that our beloved school minibus is out of action at the moment until it’s next service but the good news is that I have been able to be in class more than expected this week.💓
This week the children have been learning about Anglo Saxon rulers and the hierarchy of the historic townships. I am really looking forward to showing children the pictures of the Anglo Saxon horde treasures found just off Watlin street next week where we will be discussing primary and secondary sources. If anyone is at a loose end this weekend , I can highly recommend the exhibit in the Birmingham museum.
A big congratulations to the boys football team this week who played well on Wednesday - well done lads!
Important news..
Next Tuesday the children have a sex and relationship education lesson planned in the afternoon . This session will discuss puberty and healthy bodies. If you wish to know more about the content of these lessons , please pop in to see Mr Stacey our sex and relationship curriculum developer. If you wish your child not to take part , please let us know by Monday afternoon and we will of course be happy to respect parental wishes. A letter will be winging its way to you tomorrow.
Many thanks to everyone for being so proactive with the new lunchtime arrangements too . The children have been really pleased to use the new system and have enjoyed knowing what they have order3 for lunch
Welcome back year five .
It was so lovely to see you back this morning after the break and we hope to see our remaining two class mates, as soon as they are feeling better, to help us to win our class attendance award this week!
A big thankyou to Jimmy who made me smile this morning for bringing me a shell from his holiday in Wales. A very kind and touching gesture Jim, thankyou!
This week we have a lot going on , I shall be driving to Birmingham on Tuesday and Thursday but rest assured the work set will be challenging , well informed and I hope entertaining for you all.
I wonder if you can guess what I might be interested in over the next few weeks with my love of maps and Geography .... hmmm, any takers?
Pop back on Friday to see the answer !
Week ending Friday 25th May
A busy last week of term with children completing their end of term tests. A huge well done to the class , not only for their academic progress but also fo being such kind and caring human beings! We are so overwhelmed by the children's generosity and forward thinking this half term and we are rightly proud of their efforts raising money for Shelter.
However ... that doesn't get them out of doing homework !
Children should have one maths piece to complete involving fractions, decimals and percentages as well as their home reading and of course times table practise ! We are moving onto 7 and 8 times tables after half term with daily rehearsals .
Have a fabulous half term Year five , see you all safe and sound on Monday the 4th
Week ending Friday 18th May .
A busy week has passed and the children have been busy looking at their first glimpse of the end of y6 SATs papers. As always , they have made us all so proud! Next week we have to complete our NFER maths tests but will mainly be working on finishing our reports on homelessness and writing a letter to our MP to tell her what we’re have been up to in class to raise money for the homeless. Who knows , perhaps a bake sale in the House of Commons might raise a bit of welcomed cash for Shelter?
We will also be researching Anglo Saxon religions next week and hopefully Mr Brazier will be on hand to help us with a little sculpture project I have in mind!
Homework this week
write a draft letter to our MP outlining ;
what we have been doing as a class to support Shelter,
what affect homelessness has on our community and
how we would like our MP to represent our views in the Houses of Parliament
in addition to this , the children also have the first ten spellings on the list to practice as well as their home reading book.
Week ending 11th May .
What a busy week ! The children have worked so hard this week with their Shelter appeal and I am so pleased to announce that they managed to raise a whopping £117.44 which will help to prevent a family from losing their home . I think we all have to agree that that is well worth the efforts made. A huge thank you and well done to all the children who baked their hearts out and to the parents who donated some of the ingredients to make the cakes, biscuits, brownies and chocolates.
Next week the children will be taking part in a mock SATs week while year six are undergoing their actual SATs tests.
In addition to this fun filled week , the children will also be continuing to promote helping the homeless and will be writing persuasive reports and letters for our local MP , Mrs W Moreton as well as continuing to develop our DT work through metal media!
Homework this week is based on naming properties of 3d shapes as well as rehearsing their 6 times tables and spellings from the common exception word list.
Year five poetry reading
Year five so far have been emersed with poetry each afternoon after lunch. The most recent poet we have been enjoying is the one and only Rudyard Kipling of Jungle Book fame. Discussions on the poem ‘if’ and ‘ the smugglers song’ were well developed by the children. Please enjoy the clip below for our most recent poem.