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Uniform information

Uniform Expectations:

All pupils at Millfield Primary School are expected to wear the school uniform as ambassadors of the school.


Jumpers with the school logo can be bought from the school office and we usually have stock available. However, it is not essential to wear a sweatshirt with the school logo and red school jumpers and cardigans may be bought elsewhere.


Lennox and Chloe model a good example of school uniform


Pupils are expected to wear:

Black /dark shoes (no heels/bright colours/trainers or impractical shoes)
Black or Grey trousers/skirt
Red or white Polo shirt
Red Sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan



House colours T-shirt with Millfield logo
Black shorts
Black sweatshirt (can be zipped)
Black Jogging bottoms (in winter)


Children should come to school in their PE kit on the days when they do PE.



Swimming costume/trunks (NO LONG SHORTS)


All items of clothing must be clearly marked with the child’s name.  We do not accept responsibility for lost items of clothing.



The only jewellery allowed to be worn in school is a sensible wristwatch & small stud earrings (no dangly/hooped earrings).

Earrings and watches must be removed for PE, games and swimming.