Year 6 Curriculum – Autumn Term
At Millfield, our curriculum is based around
‘Repeat, Revisit, Remember’
Instead of doing a set topic for each half term, our curriculum is designed so that we repeat topics every few weeks.
Below are some of the specific things we are doing this term in each subject
Literacy (writing) | - ‘The Watertower – Write a science fiction story
- ‘Never Have I Ever’ – WWII Poetry
- A letter to Anne Frank-Topic related writing
Guided Reading | - Comprehension skills VIPERS
- The Baking Battle (Story)
Maths | - Place Value, Methods & Checking (+, -, x ÷), Fractions, Shape, Ratio & Proportion, Measurements, Problem Solving, Position & Movement and Algebra
Science | - Materials, Plants & Animals, Forces & Magnets, Evolution & Inheritance, Space, Light & Sound and Electricity
Topic – History | |
Music | |
Art | - Artist Study – Paul Kenton
- Art using different media and perspective
- Drawing and Sketching skills
RSE | - Changes through puberty.
- Where babies come from.
PSHE | |
P.E. | |
Design and Technology | |
SPAG Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar | |