Autumn term
Year 2 Autumn term Curriculum-
At Millfield, our curriculum is based around
"Repeat, Revisit, Remember"
Our curriculum is designed so that we repeat and revisit themes, topics and learning every few weeks.
Below are some of the specific things we are doing this term in each subject:
Literacy (writing)
- A wanted poster
- A diary entry
- Halloween poetry
- Science investigation write up
- Non-chronological report (nocturnal animals)
- A night in the woods narrative
- Following Monster Phonics
- Tibbles goes missing
- Planning a Birthday Party
- Nocturnal Animals
- The Hidden Chest
- A Lesson Learnt
- Counting
- Representing numbers
- Place value
- Calculations using addition and subtraction
- Calculations using multiplication and division
- Fractions
- Measures
Weekly change of topics ranging from the following:
- Plants (wild and garden)
- Deciduous and evergreen trees
- Categorise animals
- 5 senses
- Categorise materials
- Light sources
- Observe sounds
- Electricity- appliances
Topic Geography
- The United Kingdom focusing on Northern Ireland
Topic History
- Christopher Columbus
Music: (singing and performing/ Listen and appraise)
Tony Chestnut
- Understand musical terms such as pitch and rhythm
Animal Carnival
- Vincent Van Gogh (pastels)
- Drawing skills: Mouths
- Textiles (joining materials)
- Recognise different relationships
- E-Safety
- Computer Science
Languages (French)
- Greetings
- Numbers 1-5
- What do we celebrate?
- How do we celebrate?
- Invasion Games