Year 1

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Firstly, I just wanted to say a quick hello. I hope you all had a lovely summer.
With the current situation, we are unable to have meetings face to face. If you have anything you would like to discuss or just want to contact me at any point, please message on ClassDojo or phone the school to arrange a phone call.
I really am excited for this year and I hope all your children are too!
Please bring a water bottle to school with you, this will be kept at school all week and sent home on a Friday. We will be cleaning the bottles at the end of each day. This needs to be separate to a drink for lunch time.
All stationery will be supplied and surfaces will be cleaned in between lessons.
If children would like milk, it is £1 for the week. Please send this in an envelope with their name and amount on.
A few things to remember-
Year One have swimming on a Monday, this will be starting from Monday 7th September. All children swim each week.
On Tuesday afternoons, we have PE. This year we would like pupils to come to school in their PE kit on Tuesday instead of getting changed. The school PE kit consists of a plain white t-shire, plain black shorts or joggers and suitable trainers. Children can also wear a plain black tracksuit top during the cooler months. Please still ensure that all items are named.
If your child wears earrings, please ensure they come to school with something that can store these in to prevent losing them during PE/Swimming.
If your child has long hair, please ensure they bring a hair bobble on PE/Swimming days.
On Friday mornings, year one had forest Friday. Each week a group of children will go off exploring with Mrs Hare. This may not run consecutively but each child will get to go. We ask that children come in their own clothes and bring a spare. I will notify you through ClassDojo and our class page when this is starting.
Many thanks,
Miss Attenborough