Code Club
Code Club will be back up and running every Thursday after school soon!
Digital Leaders Code Club is a free weekly club open to children in Years 5 and 6. It runs every Thursday night after school until 4:15.
As in previous years, this club is very popular. Throughout previous years when the club has been able to operate we have always had a waiting list of more than 10 children waiting to join the club! Therefore, if your child is interested in joining they will need to see Mrs Van Linden to be added to the waiting list.
Please note that if your child is going to miss any Code Club sessions, they must let Mrs Van Linden know in advance. Any child that misses a number of club sessions may be asked to give up their place to allow a child from the waiting list to have the opportunity.
What is Digital Leaders Code Club?
We think all children should have the opportunity to learn to code, no matter who they are or where they come from. Millfield's Digital Leaders Code Club is part of the group of clubs. Our club aims to provide coding opportunities and the chance to become one of our school’s Digital Leaders.
The projects we complete are easy to follow, step-by-step guides which help young people learn Scratch, HTML & more by making games, animations, and websites. The projects gradually introduce coding concepts to allow young people to build their knowledge incrementally.