Summer Term
Year 1 Curriculum- Summer term.
At Millfield, our curriculum is based around
"Repeat, Revisit, Remember"
Instead of doing a set topic every half term, our curriculum is designed so that we repeat topics every few weeks.
Below are some of the specific things we are doing this term in each subject:
Literacy (writing)
- A pirate adventure (own story)
- Other texts TBC
- Following RML
- Comprehension skills (CGP books)
- Monday- Fractions
- Tuesday- Shape
- Wednesday- Measurements
- Thursday- Statistics
- Friday- Calculations
- Times tables- 2x, 5x, 10x
- Word problems as a class
Weekly change of topics ranging from the following:
- Alive, once alive and never alive
- Basic needs of animals
- Introduction to habitats
- Change of solid materials through squashing, bending etc
- Shadows and light
- Discriminate between sounds
Topic Geography (focus on Brownhills, Walsall):
- Weather
- Land use
- Features
- Map reading (coordinates)
Topic History (focus on the history of our school)
Music: Singing and performing/ play and explore
- Voice control
- Play tuned and untuned percussion instruments and experimenting
- Fashion (costume design)
- drawing- Paddington bear illustrations
- Food- preparing fruits and vegetables
- Recognise different relationships
- Use of technology
- Computer science
Languages (French)
- Greetings
- numbers 1-5
- What symbols are important to me?
- What stories are special to us?
- Striking sports/ yoga