Year 2

Mr Stacey Mrs Martin
Class Teacher Teaching Assistant
Monday –Swimming pm
Tuesday –
Wednesday – Homework to be returned; White books sent home.
Thursday – P.E, outdoor P.E kits to be worn. Recorders to be returned to school; White books to be returned to school.
Friday – Music lessons, homework sent out.
Easter egg hunt!
After pitching their DT design, it was time to create!
We started our new DT project set by 'Alan Sugar'. Children had to design, create and evaluate a new form of transport. Here are the children pitching their ideas to the rest of the class.
We enjoyed our 'Wizard of Oz day' this week which finished off our Literacy unit we have been working on.
Year 2 really enjoyed their science demonstration from the Royal Institute of Science this week!
Year 2 had a visit from the famous Mary Anning this week! Mary Anning told the children all about the fossils she used to collect and inspired some of the children to visit Jurassic Coast!
Join Year 2 on their Dinosaur Hunt. What we found along the way will shock you!
The Scarecrow's Wedding was a great success! Well done and thank you to all children, staff and parents involved!
A big thank you to all parents who have attended the KS1 parent afternoons so far. We have been completing activities based on a text called 'The Scarecrow's Wedding' by Julia Donaldson.
On Thursday 14th October we will be hosting our very own KS1 Scarecrow's Wedding! Children and staff will attend a wedding ceremony at St James Church in Brownhills and 11am.
We would then like to invite all parents and carers back to school in the hall at 12:30pm for lunch, speeches and dancing!
See you there
KS1 have been enjoying their free flow afternoons to discover their new Topic... dinosaurs!
We have been practising our division by sharing and grouping cubes.
Year 2 got to take part in a drumming workshop led by Jeff Rich, the drummer from Status Quo this week!
This week in Year 2...