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Millfield Primary School

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The Physical Education curriculum at Millfield inspires all pupils to experience, succeed and excel in a range of both competitive and non-competitive sports. We aim to encourage our pupils to foster a love for sport and to embed an understanding of the importance of exercise on your physical, emotional and mental health. By giving pupils the opportunities to compete in sport and other activities it enables pupils to build character and help embed values such as fairness and respect.


This is in line with the National Curriculum physical education aims in that they state  ‘to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.


Early Years


In the Early Years children study 'Expressive Art and Design' which offers foundational knowledge and skills for the KS1 PE Curriculum. This includes: understanding of own body; using body to express movements and feelings; dance - imagination, creativity and expression; putting together sequences of movements; evaluating own performance and that of their peers; exploring and engaging in music making and dance, performing solo or in groups. Work on 'Physical Development' in the Early Years also prepares children as they develop their gross and fine motor skills - strength, coordination and positional awareness. 


Sport Facilities


The school currently has two grass  pitches (one is full size for our age group which enabled us to train for a recent girls  tour to Spain. This pitch is floodlit and we allow local schools to use it free of charge to extend the playing season for our local schools)  The other is smaller and is marked out to allow Tag rugby to be played.  We also have one full size netball court.  The pitches are used throughout the year and host many tournaments throughout the year.  We have a strong belief in providing our children and visiting teams with the best facilities we can and believe we are second to none in the public sector.  This is thanks to the staff of Millfield Primary who give up their free time to run teams, clean kit, cut grass and organise a range of competitions for our own children and those of other schools in the local area.  


This year we have  added  a netted grass area  which is used for tennis and cricket and  outdoor dodgeball. We have also added a caged area to allow for safe use batting skills.

During the summer months, after the area football finals,  an athletics track is marked out.

Throughout the year the juniors use our 6 kayaks and 4 canadian canoes on the adjacent canal and we have extended this to allow children to take part in river trips.


Indoors we have our own hall which we use for gymnastics and Martial arts.


Swimming is provided in our own learner pool.

Canoeing at Millfield