What should I wear for PE?
Children will come to school wearing their PE Kit on their PE days.
We are doing this because:
- It will raise the profile of PE in school to put more clearly in children's minds the importance of sport in leading active, healthy lives.
- It will maximise time spent on physical activity in PE by cutting out time spent on changing.
- It should eliminate the possibility of clothing being lost while children change.
- It will even out wear and tear on uniforms & PE kits, making normal school uniform last a little longer and getting maximum wear out of PE kit.
- There will be no need to buy/replace a PE bag.
This policy requires that all children have the correct PE Kit, so that they look smart during the school day as well as being ready for their lesson.
The PE Kit for Millfield is as follows:
PE Swimming
House colours T-shirt with Millfield logo Swimming costume/trunks (no long shorts)
Black shorts (summer) Swimming Hat
Black Sweatshirt (can be zipped) Towel
Black jogging bottoms (winter)
If children forget their kits, we will endeavour to contact parents ahead of the PE lesson in the afternoon.