Year 2
Meet Miss Arif who will be working with Mr Stacey and Year 2 until Christmas.
Life is Wonderful
It will be alright Snow White
Here Comes the Show
Out with the Old
Homework Friday 9th October 2020
- Read your reading book and return on Monday
- Complete the reading test with a parent - remember to FIND the answers in the test and highlight with a felt tip - help on Dojo
- Try describing either Sam Sly or the SInging mermaid - don't forget to use your Sentence Stems on Dojo!
- Start learning your 2 x tables - help on Dojo
- Have a lovely and safe weekend
This week, we have been doing an investigation by looking at the effect that different liquids have on the enamel on our teeth.
We used eggs to represent our teeth. We placed hollowed eggs in water, coke, apple juice and sugar free squash (diluted to the instructions on the bottle).
We then left them for one week.
These are the results:
We found out that...
Water is the best to drink! It helps our bodies, is proven to help the brain learn new concepts and has no negative effects upon our teeth.
Coke (fizzy drink) is very bad for our teeth and also very bad for our health as the caffeine can also affect our sleep patterns.
Fruit Juice may be good for our bodies but contains a lot of natural sugars and so should not be a regular drink. Also, when we drink fruit juice, we should drink water afterwards or brush our teeth to remove the fruit juice acid.
Squash (even diluted and sugar-free) is very dangerous for our teeth. Although it is advertised as sugar-free, it contains sweetners and other chemicals that are just as harmful to our teeth.
Welcome to Year 2!
Your teacher’s name is the amazing Mr. Stacey.
The teaching assistant in the room is:
The brilliant Mrs. Martin
Our timetable:
Monday – P.E. pm (please come into school wearing P.E. kit)
Tuesday – Swimming pm
Wednesday – Homework to be returned today; White books sent home.
Thursday – Recorders to be returned to school; White books to be returned to school.
Friday – Music lessons, homework sent out
P.E. kit should be a white T-shirt/Polo shirt; Black shorts or black/grey jogging bottoms; Black/grey sweatshirt; black trainers. All P.E. kit should be plain and free of slogans or pictures.
Reading books go home every night – please read for 10 minutes or so, sign the book and send it back in the next day. We aim to read with the children every day but if books aren’t in school, we can’t read with them. It is vital that books are bought back to school every day.
If you have any questions or concerns and would like to speak to me, please make an appointment with the office or catch me when I do gate duty.
Looking forward to a fantastic year with you all,
Mr. Stacey