Year 5 Curriculum – Autumn Term
At Millfield, our curriculum is based around
‘Repeat, Revisit, Remember’
Instead of doing a set topic for each half term, our curriculum is designed so that we repeat topics every few weeks.
Below are some of the specific things we are doing this term in each subject
Literacy (writing) | - ‘King Midas’ – Ancient Greek Myth
- Non-fiction writing – Scientific experiment write up
- SPaG focus – Year 5 spellings and punctuation
Shared Reading | Comprehension skills - Portrait of a Dragon (poetry)
- An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth (autobiography)
- Why Recycle? (non-fiction)
- The Infinite (science fiction)
- Tales of King Arthur (legend)
- The Great Fire of London (poetry)
- Pompeii (non-fiction)
- Vi Spy: Licence to Chill (humour fiction)
- A Letter from E.B. White (non-fiction)
- Video Gaming Grandma (news article)
- The Wind in the Willows (musical playscript)
- Poems About Nature (poetry)
- The Girl Who Stole an Elephant (adventure fiction)
Maths | Weekly cycle of maths curriculum coverage (number, addition & subtraction, multiplication & division, fractions/ decimals/ percentages, geometry, statistics, money, time, length, mass, volume/capacity) including each week: - Arithmetic
- Times tables
- Varied fluency and representations
- Reasoning and problem-solving
- Practical maths
Science | Science is covered in a rolling schedule of eleven strands of science: space, forces, light, sound, electricity, materials 1, materials 2, living things, plants, animals, evolution. |
Topic – Geography | Alaska - Investigate places
- Investigate patterns and connections
- Geographical communication -presentation
Topic - History | Ancient Greece - Chronological understanding
- Making connections in world history – government, democracy, philosophy
- Investigating and interpreting evidence
- Historical communication -presentation
Music | - Sea Shanties
- Body percussion
- Cup rhythm games
- Group performance
Art | - Artist study – Pop Art and Andy Warhol
- Drawing and Sketching skills - Drawing faces – ears study
Computing | - Online Safety
- Computer Science - Programming
PSHE | - Rights and Responsibilities – democracy and discrimination
- Money - enterprise
- Feelings and Friendship - secrets
- Health – healthy choices (physical and mental health)
- Safety and Risk – online safety
- Identity - community
- RSE - puberty
P.E. | - Invasion games – Football skills, roles, tactics and rules.
- Gymnastics
Design and Technology | - Structures – frame structures (maze/labyrinth)