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Millfield Primary School Governing Committee

The role of the governing committee is strategic. Its key functions are to:

  • set the aims and objectives for the school
  • set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
  • be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher (a critical friend)


As Millfield is part of the Cadmus Family of Schools, the Headteacher and Millfield Chair of Governors sit on Cadmus Governing Board.  All strategic decisions affecting Millfield Primary School are delegated to Millfield Primary Governing Committee.

Millfield Governing Committee:


Mr. Ross Doodson - Chair of Governors, Co-opted

Ms. Lucy Aaron - Vice Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor

Ms. Beth Bailey -  Parent Governor

Mrs Charlotte Brindley - Staff Governor

 Mrs Danielle Lynch - Co-opted Governor

Mrs. Kate Ehlen - Co-opted Governor
Mr. Jack Pierce - Co-opted Governor

Mrs. Alison Saunders - Co-opted Governor

Mrs. Alison Stacey - Headteacher


Mr. Will Stacey - Deputy Headteacher - in attendance

Mrs Berni Jones - Clerk to Governors - in attendance



Millfield Governing Committee

Cadmus Governing Body


Millfield Primary School is part of The Cadmus Family of Schools - a local Federation of schools who all work under one Governing Body.


Please see below details of the members of the Cadmus Governing Body:



Type of Governor


Roland Roberts

LA Governor (Walsall)

Chair of Governors Cadmus Family of Schools

Chair - Alumwell Junior School

Mary Clarke-Mortiboys

Co-opted Governor

Vice Chair of Cadmus Family of Schools.

Chair - Butts Primary School

Nicola Rudge

Co-opted Governor

Chair - Chuckery Primary School

Ross Doodson

Co-opted Governor

Chair - Millfield Primary School

Colleen Jones

Co-opted Governor

Chair Whitehall Junior School

Carole Hammond

Co-opted Governor

Chair - Leighswood Primary School

Bernadette Reilly

Co-opted Governor

Chair - Palfrey Junior School

Tom Nener

Co-opted Governor

Governor - Cadmus Family of Schools

Cllr Aftab Nawaz

Co-opted Governor

Vice-Chair - Butts Primary School

Deb Rajania

Co-opted Governor

Governor - Butts Primary School

Beccie Hawes

Co-opted Governor

Governor - Alumwell Junior School


Co-opted Governor



Co-opted Governor


Sam Mclaren

Parent Governor

Governor - Alumwell Junior School

Dr Jacob Whitfield

Parent Governor

Governor - Butts Primary School

Max Vlahakis

Executive Headteacher


Chief Operating Officer - Cadmus Family of Schools

Angela Hill

Executive Headteacher 

Butts Primary School

Palfrey Junior School

James Pearce

Executive Headteacher

Chuckery Primary School

Leighswood Primary School

Elizabeth Attwood


Whitehall Junior School

Alison Stacey 


Millfield Primary School.

Kerry Boam



Alumwell Junior School

Jane Hanmer

Head of School

Head of School - Leighswood Primary School

Cheryl Collis

Head of School

Head of School - Palfrey Junior School

Emily Kinsey

Head of School

Head of School - Palfrey Junior School

Michelle Sheehy 

Associate Governor

Cadmus Leadership Practitioner

Lisa Upton

Associate Governor


Alumwell Junior School