Look at the exciting things we get up to in Spring 2020
Wednesday 11th March
We have packed away our winter suits and are in our green spring suits now.
We made lots of music this week ,mark making with the chalks and even made a boat and went looking for pirates and don’t forget making a home for the dinosaurs and forest animals.

Wednesday 4th March
We had a lovely Woodland session today.We went in the woods digging for treasure.
Wednesday 26th February
We had a indoor craft session in the morning where we made Woodland animals to decorate the Den.
Afternoon session had lots of fun in the woods and the mud kitchen.
Wednesday 5th February
We were busy mark making and bark rubbing today at Woodland Wednesday.

We made a boat and went looking for pirates.
Wednesday 29th January
Lovely Woodland session today busy in the mud kitchen and looking for treasures.
Wednesday 23rd January
Another lovely Woodland session.
Lovely sunny Woodland Wednesday session
15th January 2020
We made bird feeders for the birds
Happy New year
Wednesday 8:01:20
We had a lovely first Woodland Wednesday session for 2020.