Nursery 23/24
Welcome to the Nursery class page!

Please select the crayon for further information.
Welcome to the Nursery class page. Please feel free to look at all that we have been doing in class. We regularly update and communicate with parents on Class Dojo.
For children eligible for full time hours, the Nursery day will run from 8:45-3:15 and a packed lunch will need to be provided. Children who do 15 hours per week in Nursery will do a morning session starting at 8:45 and ending at 11:45am. Please message on Class Dojo if you have any questions.
The Nursery Curriculum
We have developed the Millfield Curriculum using Statutory Guidance and our school ethos to create the best start for Millfield children.
Our learning is based around seven areas of learning and development, all are important and inter-connected.
These seven areas consist of:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Communication and Language
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
Reading in Nursery
At Millfield we believe that reading is the single greatest joy that you can have and so texts feature heavily in everything that we do.
Children are encouraged to share a book every night. We endeavour to read with children as often as we can, whether this is hearing a child read, shared class reading, books used in literacy, the class story at the end of the day or even a trip down to our new library.
At Millfield, we don't teach children how to read, we create readers.
Books we have read this year in class:

To support your child reading at home here is a fabulous guide...
It is so important for your child to feel comfortable at school all day. Therefore could you please make sure they have a spare change of named clothes in school at all times. Their clothes will stay in their own box.
The children may get messy, muddy and wet as they always have access to outdoors!
Children can come in their own, outdoor clothing for their Meadow Monday session.
Could you please ensure your child’s name is in every item of clothing worn in school, as this will prevent belongings from getting lost.