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Year 4

ARCHIVED PAGE - Please note that this page is not from the current school year and is therefore out of date and will not be updated.  To access up to date pages, follow the links on our home page.

Welcome to Year 4

Class Teacher: Mrs Van Linden
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Dolman


Welcome to the Year 4 webpage. 

As we race towards the end of our year together, Year 4 have much to look back upon with pride and laughter.  We also still have lots to look forward to this term: our parents and carers afternoon in school; a walking and canoeing trip along the canal; a trip to the Walsall Leather Museum and sports day are just a few of our upcoming events.

Parents and Carers Harry Potter science afternoon.  

A big thank you to everyone who came along to take part in our fun afternoon of magical science. As you can see from the photographs below, we had a great time!

Walking and canoeing day

British Science Week

World Book Day

Do we have fun learning in Year 4?

Still image for this video

We had fun learning on camp too!

Still image for this video

...and this fun on camp...

Still image for this video

...and this...

Still image for this video

...and don’t forget this 🙂

Still image for this video


Mondays       - Bring in swimming kit and P.E. kit for the week (PE is Wednesday, we swim on Thursday).

Tuesdays      - Reading books, reading records and any optional homework must be returned.

Wednesdays - PE.

Thursdays     - Swimming.

Fridays          - Homework is sent home.

              (Information about uniform and kit can be found here.)


This term we are:

-Examining and composing a range of non-fiction texts based upon our fiction reading in our Literacy.

-Learning all about fractions in Maths.

-Investigating the digestive system and sound in Science.

-Continuing to find out about what life was like in Roman Britain as our Topic.

-Exploring programming and expanding our digital literacy skills in our Computing sessions.

-Looking at drawing landscapes in our Art sessions.

Parent and Carers Meeting Notes - Meetings start at 3:30 and 4:30, Wednesday 10th October 2018

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let Mrs. Van Linden know!

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