Year 5
Welcome to Year five
Mrs. Rushton, Mrs. Bardell and Miss Hare
Year 5 have made a fantastic start to the new year, returning after Christmas refreshed and full of fun!
Please look on ClassDojo for messages and updates. If you have any questions or queries please message me on ClassDojo.
Year 5 usually have PE on Wednesdays and swimming on Fridays, but do watch out for updates on ClassDojo.
Look at the diary section below to see what we have been up to.
Finally, please read the school newsletter each week to stay up to date.
Weekly routines in Year 5
Year 5 have PE on Wednesday afternoons. The school PE kit consists of a plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts or joggers and trainers. A plain black tracksuit top can be worn in cooler weather when we are outside. This year we would like pupils to come to school in their PE kit on Wednesdays instead of getting changed, but please still ensure that all items are named.
Reading books are to be taken home and read every night (except Wednesdays) and returned to school the following morning so that they can be read in school as well. (Please make a note in the reading record book to show when reading has taken place.) In their reading book, children will have a bookmark showing the times tables that they need to learn. Please read through these with your child to help them to memorise the number facts.
Reading comprehension books are sent home on Wednesday evenings. One reading comprehension exercise is to be completed and the book returned the following morning so that the work can be reviewed in class.
Additional homework tasks will be set on Purple Mash and children should be encouraged to play on TT Rockstars and Numbots weekly. Please let me know if you have any problems accessing any of these platforms.
Year 5 diary
This week in Year 5...
Everyone has been to Dovedale.
Previously in Year 5...
We investigated a crime scene.
We had our first sale, raising £140!
We were solving problems involving perimeter.
We all enjoyed an amazing presentation from the royal institute!
We have started gymnastics in PE.
We walked 13km to Chasewater and back!
We had a fantastic Christmas party with crackers!
We have completed more sewing and loved TTROCKSTAR afternoon!
we have been sewing decorations for our chairs.
developed our team working skills in Lego builders’ groups.
we went on camp!
we made rain gauges
enjoyed a drumming workshop
and some people made playdoh and found some wildlife!
We enjoyed catching up after the summer holidays, played a game with a dice in maths using our place value knowledge, got in to a good reading routine and created a bold start to our pop art lessons.