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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Class Teacher: Miss L Stringer

Teaching Assistant: Mrs J Kobus

Welcome to Summer term! 


As Summer term commences, I will continue providing a day-to-day outline of activities under the 'Daily Activities' section found at the top of this page. These activities will be a selection of tasks which can be completed using online platforms, such as Purple Mash, and written tasks where appropriate. Lots of you were really getting to grips with using Purple Mash before the half-term holiday and were eager to hand work in. It was also lovely to see you helping each other out using the class blog. Keep it up Year 4 laugh!


The picture below maps out some optional home-learning challenges which cover lots of areas of the National Curriculum and are based around the theme of 'Water World'. There are suggested ways to complete these tasks but please don't feel that you must complete them in this way. Feel free to adapt them and complete them how you prefer. You may choose to do a powerpoint presentation, make up a song or poem, acting, creating a storyboard or completing a poster. You can share finished projects with me through Class Dojo and I will be eager to show great examples by sharing them on our Class Dojo class story for others to see and learn from. There will also be house points for your hard work! 

Water/Power Challenges

All children were sent home with a learning pack on Thursday 12th March as schools were told to prepare for closures. In the learning packs, children should have a parent invitation to Class Dojo. Once parents are connected to Class Dojo, they will be able to contact me if children are having any issues with accessing the online learning platforms, such as Purple Mash. I will be setting daily activities on Purple Mash for children to complete. Log-on information for this website can be found in the children’s learning packs. 


In addition to using Purple Mash, children are reminded to continue using Times Table Rockstars to revise their times tables. Log-on information for Rockstars has been provided via a sticker on the front of their learning pack. 


Children should also have their home reading books at home so they can keep up with their daily reading.


If you have any queries, please feel free to contact myself on Class Dojo.


Thank you for your continued support,


Miss Stringer 




Visit our class blog for updates on what we have been doing each week in Year 4...
The timetable for this year can be found at the link below: 

Throughout the week, there will be certain things to remember: 


Monday - P.E kits and swimming kits to be brought in.

Wednesday - P.E day. White comprehension books go home.

Thursday - Swimming day. Children need to bring white comprehension books back in.

Check out some of the brilliant books we will be reading in class this year: