September 2019
Week beginning 30th September
This week in Year 4 we have learnt all about light in Science, learnt most of our 6 times tables and researched all about the life of Anglo Saxon children. On Thursday, we had a special visitor from the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds). We enjoyed learning all about mini-beasts and their different habitats and then we had chance to go outside and explore the meadow, pond, woodlands and more. We found lots of different mini-beasts and insects including a shield bug, a centipede and a NEWT!
Week beginning 23rd September
Another fantastic week in Year 4! This week, we have all scored high in our 3 times tables test, we have learnt all about friction in Science, started writing a letter of complaint to Mr Poe (from our Literacy text), progressed with our swimming lessons and also taken our musical instruments home for the first time!
Week beginning 16th September
This week got off to a great start with a circus skills workshop for all the children. This consisted of spinning plates, juggling practice and diablo lessons! We have also picked a musical instrument to learn throughout Year 4, learnt all about how the Earth orbits the Sun and learnt the names of the other planets in the Solar System, tried lots of different sports activities in P.E and continued our swimming lessons.
Week beginning 9th September
It has been brilliant to see you all back after the Summer holidays.
Aside from settling in and finding our way around the classroom, we have produced a story based on our Literacy text, The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicketts. We have also started our Computing topic on E-Safety, began our work on place value in Maths, planned some questions to find out during our Anglo Saxon topic, and have made a fantastic start to our Science work which involved testing out different hoovers. Our classroom looked extremely spotless by the end of that lesson !