Homework is issued weekly for Year five and will usually consist of the following:
1) Home reading task
2) Spellings
3) Times tables to rehearse
4) Maths or Literacy task completed in homework books
Occassionally, homework may be set for an extended time - possibly for project work or research work.
Homework given out each week will always be added to the class weekly blog for parents and carers knowledge.
Homework is usually issued each Thursday for return the following Tuesday. For any children who need additional support with their homework , homework club is available Wednesday lunch time.
Summer 2 homework
Children have been given a project over the summer term to study the life and contributions made by Sir David Attenborough. Projects can be done on computer or paper and can be as creative as they Children would like. Posters, short films, radio blogs, models and maps are all very welcome additions to any project .
If the children require any equipment , they can access this at school and are able to bring a small selection of paper , card or craft materials home with them to support their learning.