Daily Activities
Each day I will put daily activities on this page. I will mainly ask for activities to be completed in your green books and shared via Class Dojo or completed via Purple Mash. If you are unsure of any activities please message on Class Dojo and I will do all I can to help!
Monday 13thJuly 2020
Last week of Year 4! You have all worked inredibly hard and I am so proud of how you have all adapted to working online at home. I wish you all the best in Year 5 and will look forward to seeing you all again in September.
Today's activities consist of:
Maths: There is a maths activity on Purple Mash today based on fractions. Don't forget to also practise your times tables by using Rockstars or completing ratio tables in your green book. You could also listen to the songs that we learn in class to help us remember our times tables. I would like you to practise all of your times tables this week and focus on ones you may need to work on before you go into Year 5.
Literacy: I would like you to practise the spellings found below. You can practise them in your green book. You then have until the 17th July to complete the spelling quiz on Purple Mash so only attempt the quiz when you are confident with the spellings so you get the highest score you can! I would also like you to read the reading comprehension text found below based on 'All about Elephants'.The document contains three sets of questions with varying difficulty (*** is most challenging) and three different difficulties of text. The answers for each set of questions are also on the document. I would spend today becoming familiar with the text before answering the questions on Wednesday.
Topic: For this week's Topic work, I would like you to research Ancient Greece and find out as many facts as you can to produce a leaflet. You may be studying this next year in Year 5 so it would be really useful to already have some knowledge on the topic to get a head start (it may also impress Mrs Rushton!)
Weekly Spellings
Text for reading comprehension in place of white book Wednesday
For Water World Challenges, click on the document below:
Tuesday 14th July 2020
Today's activities are:
Maths: Have a look at the arithmetic paper I have attached below today's activity list. See if you can beat your score from last time! You can either download the paper and complete it on the computer or complete it in your green book. At the end of the paper, you will find the answers so you can mark your own papers. Discussing with someone in your house what you might need to work on and what went well would be really beneficial and is a great way to learn.
Literacy: I would like you to create a piece of writing in you green book based on the image found here https://www.pobble365.com/festival-of-colours/ The website also has sentence starters and story ideas if you scroll further down the page which you can use to give you some ideas. Be as creative and imaginative as you can!
Science: This week's Science looks at making sounds with objects you may have in your home. Take a look at the link to find out how: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhbtjsg.
Wednesday 15th July
Today's activities are:
Maths: I would like you to take a look at the daily lesson on BBC Bitesize based on triangles. You can find the lesson here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zcktjsg and there are are videos and activities to go with the daily lesson.
Literacy: I would like you to complete a comprehension activity based on 'All about Elephants' that I uploaded on Monday. You have a choice of three sets of questions which are varying in difficulty indicated by the stars (*** is the most challenging!) It is entirely up to you which difficulty level you choose or you may want to attempt a less challenging one first to see how you get on and then push yourself further?
P.E and Outdoor Learning: Try to keep as active as possible and keep yourselves busy. If it is dry, why not time yourself doing an amount of star jumps/squats/plank and see if someone else can beat your time? You could have a go at completing some P.E sessions indoors with Joe Wicks which are on Youtube and can be found by clicking this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGqjVI6J5Ew .There are also games and dances on GoNoodle to keep you entertained and active which you can find here: https://www.gonoodle.com/
Thursday 16th July 2020
Today's activities are:
Maths: For today's Maths work, I would like you to have a look at the 'Mystery at the end of term play' which gives you a series of code breaking, puzzles and sums to work out to solve a mystery.
Literacy: Last week, I asked you to produce a leaflet of 'things that you enjoyed in Year 4' or 'top tips for having Miss Stringer as your teacher'. I would love to send these leaflets on to the current Year 3's so they know what to expect in September. I didn't have many last week so please send them over this week so we can send them across to the Year 3's. These can be handed in via Dojo.
If you have already done the task, you could write Miss Stringer a goodbye letter or write a letter for your teacher in September to say what you are looking forward to/are worried about etc.
Computing is normally on a Thursday afternoon alongside swimming. I have set a typing task on Purple Mash. Also, make sure you spend time being active, reading, and doing the things you enjoy.
Friday 17th July 2020
School is closed for children today as we break up for Summer holidays! Spend today reflecting on the year that you have had (although it has been different to normal years!) What will you continue doing in Year 5? What will you improve? What will you do more of? Will you join a club? Will you try to do something different? There are also some ideas of things to do on the list below:
*Practise rhythm on bitesize and use body percussion https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh7hnrd
* Discuss favourite songs with other people in your house. Maybe listen to them and try to agree on one favourite song between you all!
*Create a dance to your favourite song
*Write down the lyrics to a song or make a poster explaining what the song is about (you could draw pictures and get someone in your house to guess which song the pictures represent)
*Make some musical instruments with things you can find in your home or in your garden
*Take time to sketch the view from different areas in your house (bedroom window, kitchen window, front room, garden etc)
*Check out these cartoon character tutorials and see if you can follow them to draw a cartoon character https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYdloe2BO0wNU5pxr1Avh0zz06weXMx87
*Do some colouring in the garden
*Make nature paintbrushes out of twigs and leaves and paint a picture with them
Window to your world
If you have completed all the activities for the day, and fancy a challenge, why not check out the list below:
*Create a recipe for a magical potion
*Design a book character with superhero powers
*Look up at the sky and see if you can spot any unusual shaped clouds/clouds that look like objects
*Practise your drawing skills and draw things around the house or in the garden
*Read a book (in the sunshine if possible!)
*Practise your times tables on Rockstars
*Research craft ideas on the internet to make something you've never made before
*How many different plants can you see out of your window?
*Do some baking with somebody you live with (don't forget to send photos on Dojo!)
*Keep a diary of things you are doing each day
*Help with jobs around the house - can you learn a new skill today?