Year 3
Class Teacher: Mrs A Van Linden
Class TA: Mrs L Dolman
Learning Support: Mrs L Dolman
We are very much looking forward to our Camp Experience days. Lots of fun activities are planned and hopefully the weather will be kind to us!
We have started reading a new class book at home time: The Secret Seven Adventure by Enid Blyton.
Our Timetable
See the attached document for full details of what we'll be doing each day.
A list of things to remember to bring in on particular days is:
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - Reading book and signed reading record. The children have been asked to read their book every day and to get an adult to complete their reading record.
- Wednesday - Swimming kit (swimming costume/trunks, hat and towel)
- Thursday - Wear PE Kit and bring in completed white book.
Favourite Websites
Click on the links below to get to some of our favourite sites to use in class.
PE Kits
The correct school kit is:
White t-shirt
Black shorts
Black sweatshirt (can be zipped)
Black jogging bottoms (in winter)
Year 3 have PE on a Thursday afternoon and this year we have changed our policy on PE kits. Children will come to school wearing their kit on PE days. This policy requires that all children have the correct PE kit, so they look smart during the school day as well as being ready for their PE lesson.
Class Songs
Links to our class songs will be here (when the class have found out what they are!)